Special Mentions

A Date With Destiny (UK), Dir: Caroline McNamara

A Son’s Grief (USA), Dir: Darius Anthony

Another Chance (USA), Dir: Adam Chambers

B Positive (USA), Dir: Frances Chang

Bloom (USA), Dir: Brandon Fecteau

Cobbled Strings (Bulgaria), Dir: Milena Stoykova, Paulina Gegova

Deadly Dreams (UK), Dir: Jacob Newey, Ethan Lyons

Dear Child II (UK), Dir: Devin Tait Peters

Deception (USA), Dir: Max Ostapov, Lance Alberti

Dinner Date (Canada) Dir: Darcy Fehr

Do You Know Him? (Canada), Dir: Sylvia Stewart

Dreaming (USA), Dir: Uri Ponte

Dual Citizens (USA), Dir: George W. Campbell

Eve Clone Babel I (Taiwan), Dir: Pey-Chwen Lin

Hero’s Journey (USA), Dir: Wes Smith & Ash Suh

Hilltop Hike (USA), Dir: Robert Cunniff

Hollywood Boulevard (Australia), Dir: Josh Thompson

How to Lie and Get Away With It (USA), Dir: Cameron Dean Blackwood

Hypnosis (USA), Dir: Andrew Goodwin

Inner Freak (USA), Dir: Kate Monig, Derek Cuneo

Intoxication (Germany), Dir: Kristina Schippling, Matthias A. K. Zimmermann

Istanbulamiyorum (Turkey), Dir: Haluk Sercan çuhadar

It’s all about YOU (UK), Dir: Kristina Tomic & Graciela Ingold

It’s Okay (USA), Dir: David France

Itchy Bears (USA), Dir: Chris Keefer

La Fiamma D’Amore (Italy), Dir: Enrico Adinolfi

Ladybot (USA), Dir: Daniel James Patton

Love and Lake (USA), Dir: Nick Lusardi

Mona Lisa (USA), Dir: Brandon Self

Ossesione (USA), Dir: Max Galante

Raus (Australia), Dir: Noah Rosa

ReKillection (USA), Dir: Cameron Cooke, David Moon

Second Thought (USA), Dir: Chris Stanley

Shadow’s Reach (USA), Dir: Sam Levine

Sports Day (USA), Dir: Jessica Wu

Spot the Potted Plant (USA), Dir: Marc Anthony Morales

Style Me? (USA), Dir: Michael T. Scafidi

Swipe Right (USA), Dir: Tabatha Bettin

The Casting (Italy), Dir: Sara Pettarini

The Deal (USA), Dir: Veronica Valenti

The End of the Road (Proof of Concept) (USA), Dir: James Fountain

The Fiery Wind (Canada) Dir: Dave Wilson

The Life (Taiwan), Dir: Chi Fan Wang

The Report (USA), Dir: Devin Rupp

The Straight Poop (USA), Dir: Sue Orloff

This Is Berlin (Germany), Dir: Sasha Stefanov

Triumph (USA), Dir: Thomas Blackmore

Tuxedo Praise (USA), Dir: Nongolo Muteto

Uncle Bubba Goes To New York (USA), Dir: Jacob Numerick

Unleashed (USA), Writer: Don Franke 

Victor’s Command, The Yamato on Patrol in Central Park (USA), Dir: James Stuart