Best Short Film Winners receive our stunning 11 1/2″ 24K custom gold statuette which is manufactured by R.S. Owens, the same company that manufactured the Oscar for 30 years! All Winners can purchase the award via our online Awards Order Form HERE.

73 Seconds (Canada), Dir: Stacy Gardner
80 Grand (USA), Dir: Eli Zazu
Amy and Dad (USA), Writer: Diana Robertson Bond
Art (USA), Dir: Stacey Stone
Bathroom Trouble (USA), Dir: Jimmy Caputo
Before the Freeze (USA), Dir: Tenley Eakin Raj
Blood On the Tracks (Mexico), Dir: Jennifer Mary Moran
Changed In A Moment (USA), Dir: Sandy Cherryholmes
Crisis Point (Romania), Dir: Valentin Raileanu
Cycles of History (USA), Dir: Steven Paul Wolf
Dead To Me (UK), Dir: Daniel Attrill
Deepthroat (Belgium), Dir: Mikesaf
Destroy Imagination (USA), Dir: Chris Adam Abercrombie
Didn’t It Rain (UK), Dir: Jordan Johnson
Dog of the Samurai (USA), Dir: Dylan Roca
Dreaming Vincent (Italy), Dir: Christian Candido
False Security (Mexico), Dir: Marki Henderson, Shavell Mcpherson
Fixed Point (USA), Dir: Teresa-Esmeralda Sanchez
Flash (Canada), Dir: David Becker
Forgiveness: A Path to Peace, Justice and Reconciliation in Rwanda (USA), Dir: Richard Sergay
Forsaken (USA), Dir: Lucia Y Hernandez
Gaiji Fucker (Japan), Dir: Taiyo Kanto
Gordon (Israel), Dir: Orna Versano Malki
Gruncle (USA), Dir: Ed Vela
I am a word and also its echo (USA), Dir: Nuno Veiga, featuring Sue Schroeder
Istanbulamiyorum (Turkey), Dir: Haluk Sercan çuhadar
Jack-O-Mantern (USA), Dir: Mike Horbatiuk
Karate Babes in Outer Space (USA), Dir: Anna & Alex Liakos
Magia de Sangre (USA), Dir: Simone Elise Chanel Suárez
Max (Actor) (USA), Dir: Max Bowmore
Memory (Australia), Dir: Liam Andrew Pritchard
MusArt (USA), Producer: Randall Vemer
Nostalgia (Canada), Dir: Dean Attari
One Christmas Eve (Canada), Dir: Garth Drake
Peace of Mind (USA), Dir: Owen Kircher
Picky (USA), Dir: Aly Sikora
Pirate Jenny (USA), Dir: Elisabetta DeLuca, Alessandro Freschi
Poor Poor Eldon (USA), Dir: Lorin Morgan-Richards
Protocol: Last Resort (USA), Dir: Kaye Vassey
Raven Steel (Norway), Dir: Samuel Hovde Johannesen
Reality or Illusion (Ukraine), Dir: Yuliya Levashova
Reanimations (USA), Dir: Kyle Donley
Red Sea (USA), Dir: Almarin Fisher
Rouse (USA), Dir: Mimi Garrard
Sacred AUM (Ukraine), Dir: Yuliya Igorivna Levashova
SAD (Sweden), Dir: Hedvig H-S
Severance (UK), Dir: Jamie Lynch
Shadows (USA), Dir: Olga Gabris
Sock (USA), Dir: Colin Llewellyn
Somewhere Somehow (Canada), Dir: Dean Attari
Songbird (USA), Dir: Elliott Grey Taylor
Stay Happy (Canada), Dir: Adrian Newhook
Storey’s Adventure (USA), Dir: Johanna Wieden
Sympathy (USA), Dir: Marc Pachon
Tell Him (USA), Dir: Shannon Ford Thompson
The Cats Can’t Leave (Spain), Dir: Eli Raurich & Luca Capelle
The Chronciles of Dranik: Knightfall (USA), Dir: River F.R Kennedy
The Cupboard (USA), Dir: Christina Amato Butler
The Days of Knight: Chapter 3 (USA), Dir: John P Martinez
The Debate (USA), Dir: Todd Bruno; Writer/Producer: Nick Casal
The Drinking Bag (Norway), Dir: Torbjørn Carter Møller
The Esteemed Priority (USA), Dir: Al Bohl
The Genie (Puerto Rico), Dir: Fabian Rey
The Green Lady (UK), Dir: Robert Brown
The Line (USA), Dir: Cooper Jacob Lynn
The Lonely Road (Canada), Dir: Dean Attari
The Lonesome Death of Tom Warwick (USA), Dir: Jack Szvetecz
UBI SUNT (UK), Dir: Natalia Jezova
Unravelled (Trailer) (USA), Dir: Brett Bower
Waiting (USA), Dir: Ray Müller
Walter’s Bad Day (Canada), Dir: Dean Attari