Best Short Film Winners receive our stunning 11 1/2″ 24K custom gold statuette which is manufactured by R.S. Owens, the same company that manufactured the Oscar for 30 years! All Winners can purchase the award via our online Awards Order Form HERE.

OR: What was the inspiration for your film?
TA: The discovery that I could regain the Joy that I felt had been lost by the pandemic, inspired by the simplicity of the relationship with my cat.
OR: When did you conceive the idea for your film and how long did it take before it was realized?
TA: The film was created for a 48-hour film festival, so very quickly. The film had to be made 100% safely and in home during lock-down.
OR: What was the most challenging aspect of working in a short film format?
TA: The most challenging aspect was not the length, but rather the constraints of being at home, with no outside influence. However, this helped with the feeling of isolation discussed in the film, because it was happening in real time.
OR: What was the most challenging aspect of your production?
TA: The most challenging production aspect was the 48-hour timeframe. It is difficult under any circumstance to create a film under pressure, and in that amount of time. But, the pandemic and isolation made it even more difficult.
OR: Do you have any advice for first-time filmmakers?
TA: If you have been wanting to make a film, just do it. Don’t let concerns about experience or equipment stop you. Tell your story. The quality of your productions will come over time, but the biggest obstacle is just making the decision to make that first film.