Best Animated Short – Birdy Man (USA)

Title: Birdy Man
Runtime: 2 min
Country: USA
Director: Anni Zhang, Yutong Qiu
Placement: Best Animated Short
Competition: June, 2024

Synopsis: On the pier, a man noticed a seagull interested in his fries, so he began teasing it with the food. During the teasing, they both accidentally hit a glass pane and swapped bodies. The man, now in the seagull’s body, wanted to get his own body back, but the seagull, in human form, retained its seagull habits and started running wildly. Struggling to adapt to his new body, the man-as-seagull set out to reclaim his original form. Eventually, they successfully swapped back to their original bodies using the glass of a lighthouse. Relieved yet careless in his joy, the man fell from the lighthouse and, landing on a transparent kayak, accidentally made contact with a fish and swapped bodies once again.