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Title: When the Snow Shimmers
Runtime: 11 min
Country: Thailand
Director: Thanut Oh Singhasuvich
Placement: Award of Excellence
Competition: December, 2021
Synopsis: In the past years it has been a tradition for Grade 12 student of Mater Dei institute , Thai convent school, to organize and stage an annual Christmas play as a gift of happiness and joy for the entire Mater Dei community. This year, as a result of the COVID19 epidemic, the format of the musical event has been changed. The students are proudly presenting their latest learning experience, a short Christmas film entitled ‘When The Snow Shimmers’.
This film used original student’s script and has been adapted to screenplay, and still keep original creativity and stories line from groups of student’s ideas.
‘When The Snow Shimmers’ is the story of Christmas time in Bella’s, leading actress, memories. The grief of losing her family has been enlightened by the event of birth of Jesus and her best friends pull her out of the darkest time.
This film has been made for 2021 Christmas celebration.