Best Short Film Winners receive our stunning 11 1/2″ 24K custom gold statuette which is manufactured by R.S. Owens, the same company that manufactured the Oscar for 30 years! All Winners can purchase the award via our online Awards Order Form HERE.
Special Mentions
December, 2018:
A Girl Walks Into A Bar, Dir: Emir Calikkocaoglu (Turkey)
A Hand Untouched, Dir: Marc Mifsud (USA)
ANSOMNIA, Dir: Pierre Guillaud & Eric Rebut (France)
Delirantissimo, Dir: Alain Rimbert (France)
Drops and Stardust, Dir: Atobe Hiroshi (Japan)
Encore, Dir: Patrick Perrodin (USA)
Facing the Black, Dir: Kristen Marie Perry (USA)
For Good Measure, Dir: Andrew Jeffrey Brown (USA)
Good Night, Dir: Makiko Nanke (Japan)
Half the Battle, Dir: Ramona L. Taylor (USA)
Highway Tea, Dir: Milton Adamou (USA)
Hunter’s Game, Dir: Ian Pozzebon (Canada)
Illusion, Dir: Trey McGriff (USA)
Interview with the Broken, Dir: Kris Kuruneri (Canada)
Legendary Samurai, Dir: Katsuya Satoh (Japan)
Life or Death Debates, Dir: Jacob Langsner (USA)
Meadowlark: A Man’s Courage & Tenderness, Dir: Eddie James (USA)
Memorial Day, Dir: Wed O’Donnell (USA)
Minutes Hours Days, Dir: Armida Lopez (Puerto Rico)
Monday Night Scandals, Dir: Santiago Echeverry (USA)
My Ttravels – Part 1 Vitosha Mountain, Dir: Jana Angelova (UK)
Nephilim, Dir: Cody Frank (USA)
Oxford Through the Lens, Dir: Douglas Vernimmen (UK)
Peace, Dir: Neal Sopata (USA)
Playhouse, Kerry Anne LeVielle (USA)
Poetry Series: ITALY, Dir: Laci J. Mailey (Canada)
Pop Therapy, Dir: Mindy Bledsoe (USA)
Red Christmas, Dir: Taylor Paluso (USA)
Release, Dir: Divan Meyer (Canada)
San Francisco, Dir: Charles and Mary Love (USA)
Scarred, Writer: Allan Hill (UK)
Sigh, Rushes, Sigh, Dir: Patrick Müller (Germany)
Sometimes… it’s best not to know. (silent)., Dir: Thomas Marshall-Wood (Australia)
Spoiled Dinner, Dir: Dominique Colombo (USA)
Strung, Dir: Elizabeth Gracen (USA)
The Assumption, Dir: Kenny Garner (USA)
The Carton Tongue, Dir: Chelsea Gilles (USA)
The Hammer, Dir: Travis Darkow (USA)
The Itty-Bitty Committee, Dir: Chuck Marra and Megan Marra (USA)
The Shadow’s Clock, Dir: Cristobal Olguin (Australia)
The Unknown Stranger, Dir: David Ambrose (USA)
The Visitor From the Other Side, Dir: DJ Carnegie (Canada)
Tick Tock, Dir: Kasey Deeth (Australia)
Tijuana Skin, Dir: Caroline Ryder (Mexico)
Trapped, Dir: Mohamed Maged (Kuwait)
TrichotilloMAIA, Dir: Maia Absberg (Australia)
UnderSee, Dir: Margie Kelk (Canada)
Waiting for Lena, Dir: John Barnes (USA)
Whispers With Stones, Dir: Mike Levin (Canada)
Yours are Mine, Dir: Brooke Trantor (USA)