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Title: Bloom
Runtime: 10 min
Country: Netherlands
Director: Faten Bushehri
Placement: Award of Excellence
Competition: December, 2022
Synopsis: Bloom is a short film about an uptight woman who finds solace in tending to her flower garden, but when her routine gets disrupted, her worldview is challenged. This film centers understanding and compassion as main values, and allows viewers to see life through different lenses.
This is a story follows a woman who has a strong emotional bond with her flower garden and is dedicated to keeping it alive and blooming. Something happens that interrupts the peace and routine of her gardening, which forces her to reflect on her struggle and feelings and allows her to change her perspective.
The busyness and rush of our lives can sometimes push us to zoom in on ourselves and our immediate environment, and in that process, we tend to neglect both the beauty and ugliness of what’s around us. This film is a kind reminder to abandon a narrow tunnel vision and connecting with others.