Award of Merit – “Create & Erase” (Canada)


Title: Create & Erase
Runtime: 11 min
Country: Canada
Director: Matthew Luppino
Placement: Award of Merit
Competition: June, 2016

Synopsis: Create & Erase follows a father who discovers a picture on his son’s etch a sketch that takes him on a journey of his past memories throughout his life.


OR: What was the inspiration for your film?

ML: The inspiration for this film was basically a dream that I had had about an etch a sketch mixed with the idea of a family relationship. It stems from many personal and deep emotions that I have personally felt and I was able to let them out on the page and soon after on the screen.

OR: When did you conceive the idea for your film and how long did it take before it was realized?

ML: I conceived the idea for this film in a dream that I had. When I woke up the following morning, I quickly wrote out the script before starting my day job within 30 minutes. From there, I immediately began on the pre-production stage and within 30 days, the film was finished production. From there, the film went through 5 months of editing before it hit the film festivals.

OR: What was the most challenging aspect of working in a short film format?

ML: The most challenging aspect of working in a short film format I would say is the time restrictions. With short films, you want to make a nicely paced out film that carries your audience all the way through, while staying within a 10-15 minute window. This can be very difficult to achieve on the editing table when you have so much amazing material to use.

OR: What was the most challenging aspect of your production?

ML: I would say the most challenging part of the production was having to shoot the entire film by myself as my DP dropped out at the last minute, and also not having half the gear I planned on having at the last minute and having to improvise. We shot this film on Pelee Island, so with an island film comes a lot more setbacks with transportation and such but by the end of the production, the most challenging part was wrapping the set.We had an absolute blast!

OR: Do you have any advice for first-time filmmakers?

ML: My advice is to never give up. People around the world will criticize you and belittle you but if you can find that little voice inside that wants to push forward, listen to it. Anything and everything is possible. Believe in yourself and trust your instincts. You were designed for great things, so never give up.

Check out these awesome pics of Matthew with his Awards! Thanks to Matthew for sending them! Congratulations on your placement!! 



